We all See the Stars

“Singing Equality across America and around the World,” is a program that is planting the seeds of equality through a song inspired by the Sun poem. “We all See the Stars" written by John Ciambriello was secured through a national song writing contest in 2015. We are empowering and inspiring America and the world with our song by sharing it with school districts across the nation.

We hope your school will join us and be part of this wonderful initiative. Your donations help us plant this program in America and send around the world. You can register using the button below.

We hope you will join World Unity Inc. in sharing the program, “Singing Equality Across America and Around the World.” Our song can inspire students and communities to cultivate a mindset and heart of valuing equality, diversity, and inclusion. Imagine children singing the song in your school and beyond. It can inspire your leaders to create a community and a world that values everyone. World Unity Inc. is offering an educational presentation of our song. Please fill out the registration form to receive a copy and consider donating. It will help us continue to introduce the song to school districts across the country and build the World Unity Landmark. Thank you for your leadership and support.

Empower and Inspire Students and the Community with this Program

Since its, inception, these are some of the schools that have implemented it across the nation.