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Dear KJA Members and Parents,
Just a reminder that the KJA Winter Shiai is next Sunday, December 11th and if you have not registered yourself or your child to compete, please do so as soon as possible. The easiest way to register is online through the "Member's Portal" on the Member's Page of the Kokushikai website. (IMPORTANT: please indicate the total number of divisions and the player's weight in the comment box. Register for the Jr. or Sr. Newaza Shiai separately.) To register online, go to:http://kokushikai.com/memberspage.html
If anyone has any difficulty registering online through the Member Portal, please notify Celita for assistance. (If you do not have a password, use your contact e-mail on file and click "forgot password" and one will be sent to your e-mail automatically. You can change once you are in the portal.)
Downloadable PDFs are also on the Members Page. Paper applications can also be dropped off at the dojo anytime.
ESTIMATED times for each Shiai Session are as follows:(Please note: Slight time adjustments have been made since the first e-mail.)Tiny Tiger/Pee Wee Judo Shiai (4-6 yrs): 10:00am - 11:30amChildren Judo Shiai and Jr. Newaza Shiai (7-9yrs): 11:15 am - 1:30 pmAttachment: 2016 Kokushikai Judo Shiai Dec 11 App.pdf (190.0kB)Youth Judo Shiai and Jr. Newaza Shiai (10-12yrs): 2:00 pm - 4:15 pmTeen Judo Shiai and Sr. Newaza Shiai (13-16yrs): 4:00 pm - 5:30 pmAdult Judo Shiai and Sr. Newaza Shiai (17 yrs+): 4:00 pm - 5:30 pmPizza Party (All ages welcome): 6:00 pm - 7:30 pmPlayers will be grouped in divisions of 3-4 players based on age, weight, rank and ability. All players are guaranteed at least 2 matches in one division. If a player registers and can not be matched with appropriate opponents at the instructors discretion, registration fees will NOT be charged.Teens, brown and black belts members are asked to volunteer to help-out with certain assignments such as timekeeper, scorekeeper, referee, check-in etc. during the Shiai for our younger members. Please speak with Celita if you are available to volunteer.Fundraising Raffle Baskets to support our 2016 athletes competing nationally and internationally will be displayed either prior or on the day of the Shiai. Tickets will be available for purchase at the reception desk. If anyone would like to donate gift certificates or items to the baskets for the raffle, please contact Celita or Tamara Hemingway to include your donations.We hope that as many of you as possible will participate on any level to help make our Kokushikai Shiai a success for all!Sincerely,Celita