Kokushikai Judo Academy Documentation

Sunday, March 09, 2025

ALL Award Templates

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The All Awards Templates Dashboard

The all awards davides  the ability to print 4 types of award templates:

  1. Tiny Tiger Certificate - This certificate provides a built-in border.
  2. Certificate - w/o border - This version uses any certificate design you supply.
  3. Rank (Belt) Promotions - The belt promotion certificate is accessible from the student profile using the "Rank" link under promotion history Only the most current promotion can be printed.
  4. Shiai Awards Certificates - Awards are accessible from the Shiai Management Dashboard using the "Public Awards View".


These certificates are only accessible from the student profile if the student's ageclass is tiny tiger. If the students ageclass is not a Tiny tiger (eg. peewee), the award buttons will not be visible. See below:


The certificates are printed using the Windows print driver and should be adjusted to your printer fo sizing to the award template.

This page was created by Michael J Hemingway on 10/27/2023