Kokushikai Judo Academy Template

Sunday, March 09, 2025

KJA CSECC Volunteer Email

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Dear KJA Members/Parents and CSECC Volunteers:

Thank-you in advance to all of you who have volunteered to help  on Sunday, June 10 for the "Celita Schutz East Coast Championship" Some of the volunteer responsibilities will be helping at the door, time keeping, score keeping, pool sheets, match numbers, helping to call player names etc. We will be running 3 mats simultaneously and having great volunteers will be the key to the day's success. Your help is sincerely appreciated!

Table Volunteers are asked to be at Monsignor Farrell High School for a 9:30am Volunteer/Technical meeting. Tamara Hemingway has assigned the volunteer responsibilities (also below) and indicated (am) or (pm) based on time availability. "PM" volunteers should arrive by 12:15pm.

For ALL DAY volunteers, Tammy will also make a schedule for breaks based on the total number of volunteers we have. (We do have volunteers from other clubs as well.)

Shirts, food and drinks will be provided for ALL volunteers during the day.

The people on the list below have already given verbal commitments to volunteer on the 10th. If you see your name and you are unable to attend, please let me know as soon as possible.  If anyone who volunteered or would like to help and is not on the list below, please let Tamara or me know as soon as possible to assign.

Beda, David - KJA Timekeeper [am]  possible [all day]
Beda,  Lily - KJA Player Check-in /Table Time Keeper [am]
Borges,  Roberto - KJA Table Divisions [am}
Caixeta, Viviane - KJA Referee [am]
Cilenti, Casie -  EMT, Medical Table [all day]
Cilenti, George -  Security [all day]
Cilneti, Gianna - KJA Table Scoreboard [pm]
Cilenti, Nicole - KJA Walk-up Registrations/Floater T-Shirts [all day]
Gitman Mayan - KJA Pool Sheets [all day]
Gomez, Claudio - KJA Referee
Hemingway,  Brinn - KJA Player Check-in/Divisions [all day]
Kitov,  Roman - KJA Friday Truck and Mat Delivery/Table
Magallanez, Gary - KJA Table Scoreboard [all day]
Rojas, Andres - KJA Table Scoreboard [all day]
Rojas,  David - KJA Table Timekeeper/Scoreboard [all day]
Salnikov,  Alan - KJA Table Scoreboard [am]
Sanchez,  Cynthia - KJA Walk-up Registrations [all day]
Sanchez, Jayden - KJA Timekeeper [pm]
Sanchez,  Joe - KJA Table Divisions  [all day]
Oksman, Isaac - KJA Scorekeeper [am]
Oksman, Vladimir - - KJA Table Divisions [all day]
Petrovici, Vadim - KJA Table Divisions  [all day]
Ver Sluis, Kaci - KJA Table Scoreboard [pm]
Ver Sluis, Kate - KJA Table Divisions [all day]
Vosk,  Ilya - KJA Sunday Truck, Mat Supervision Loading on Sun and Monday Mat Return/ Scorekeeper Table when arrives [am]

Best way to reach Tammy is by text, her contact info is below:

Tammy Hemingway

I can also be reached at 917-613-3208 (cell) or text.

Thank-you again and get ready for the hot weather and a great tournament!


This page was created by Michael J Hemingway on 12/02/2022