Kokushikai Judo Academy Template

Sunday, March 09, 2025

KJA Tiny Tiger Registration is Open

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Hello KJA Tiny Tiger Parents,

Thank-you for all your interest in this special judo program.  Registration for Kokushikai Tiny Tiger Judo Program is now open! We are excited to offer online registration through our Kokushikai Judo Academy App as well as in person registration.

You can find the App on iStore, GooglePlay or use the link below to download now!

Use this link to download the Kokushikai App to your phone!


Please see the class openings and schedule below to select which class best fits you and your child's schedule.  Also, feel free to forward this e-mail to friends you think might be interested to try and start judo the same time with your child.


Please note that trial classes in the Tiny Tiger program are not permitted once the semester has already begun.  The Orientation classes serves as the trial class. This is an opportunity for parents who want their children to try a class before committing to the 18 class semester. New students in this program are encouraged to participate in the orientation class to be introduced to the basic class structure and to be sure they are ready to begin.  Most children will not have a uniform, but if anyone definitely wants to enroll their child, they may go ahead and complete the registration and purchase a uniform ($35) in the dojo. (Uniforms come with embroidered "Kokushikai" name already on them.)


The Tiny Tiger Program Summary and Course descriptions with exact times, available spaces and tuition are below.

KJA Tiny Tiger Judo Program Summary:
We recognize that children in the age range of 4 -5 years old sometimes have difficulty integrating into our regular ongoing Pee Wee classes because of the rolling admission and the progress the number of students on the mat have already made. As an alternative, we developed the Tiny Tiger judo program to provide a smaller setting with limited enrollment for this age group. These classes offer the ideal environment for children to learn strong judo fundamentals, build confidence and progress together before moving up to the next level. Enrollment is for a maximum of 6 children in each of the Tiny Tiger classes.


The Tiny Tiger classes have a separate tuition and will run for a semester of 18 classes plus one Orientation class if needed. To keep distractions to a minimum, new students may not enter in the middle of a semester and are asked to wait for the beginning of the next semester to start. (Please note that Tiny Tiger students may not jump from the Tues/Fri course to the Fri/Sun course and vice-versa to allow continuity of familiar classmates and to prevent exceeding the maximum number of students allowed on the mat.) This small, controlled setting will allow for the special attention and one-on-one teaching that this age group requires. Since all students begin the program at the same time, an appropriate building block curriculum for this age group can be applied. 

Tuition for Tiny Tiger program is $480 for a total of eighteen, 40 minute classes, payable on or before the first class. (Final decision to enroll can be made after the Orientation class and before the first official classes begins.)


Students who register and need a "gi" (uniform) may purchase one for $35.  Classes will be held twice a week. (Exact class times are below.) Due to holiday closures or competition conflicts, the Fri/Sun schedule will need to occasionally designate a weekday to hold classes to keep continuity without a long break. But parents will be notified when this is necessary.


Since this program is a restricted registration class with eighteen total classes, there are no make-up classes for students who are absent once the class has already taken place. If anyone wants to move to another class time or day, please notify me to make that change (based on space availability) before the semester begins.  Thank-you for your understanding.


Please note that I am the only main instructor present in all classes.  I will use assistants in some classes, but will not ever use a substitute for a class.  At the end of the semester, students who complete this program will be tested on their basic motor skills and judo understanding. Each student will receive a special recognition certificate for their achievement and completion. Also at the end of the semester, Tiny Tiger students have priority to re-enroll in the same Tiny Tiger class or move up to the next level class (Pee Wee classes) at the discretion of the instructor and parents mutual agreement.


Tiny Tigers Sept-Dec. 2020 (Tues/Fri)
6 Student Max/ 18 classes per semester  (3 spaces available)
Ages 4-5 years
Tuesdays 4:15pm - 4:55pm
Fridays 5:30pm - 6:10pm
Tuition: $480
ORIENTATION CLASS: Tuesday, September 22 and Friday, September 25
Registration Closes and First Official Class: Tuesday, September 29

Tiny Tigers Sept-Dec. 2020 (Fri/Sun)
6 Student Max/ 18 classes per semester  (6 spaces available)
Ages 4-5 years
Fridays 6:30pm - 7:10pm
Sundays 10:30am - 11:10am
Tuition: $480
ORIENTATION CLASS: Friday, September 25
Registration Closes and First Official Class: Sunday, September 27


Orientation classes serves as a Trial Classes for new students and review for any previous students who would like to attend. (This does not count toward the 18 class total.)

In accordance with NJ state and CDC recommendations, safe procedures are in place at Kokushikai Judo Academy to protect our students and instructors. 

If any parents are positive, they would like to enroll their child before the Orientation classes, you may contact me to make arrangements to complete the registration paper work and get your child's uniform in advance. Parents who would like their children to try the orientation class first, please have your child wear comfortable pants and a soft long sleeve shirt of their own for this class. The uniform is not required for the orientation class.

Please confirm/reserve your child's spot in the Kokushikai Tiny Tiger Judo program by responding to this e-mail or by bringing your child to the Orientation class for the class you wish to enroll.  If you have any questions whatsoever, please do not hesitate to reach me by e-mail or call me directly at 201-797-8988. 


Again, registration can be done either in person or through our new Kokushikai App which can be downloaded from the link below: 


Use this link to download the Kokushikai App to your phone!


As always, if you have any questions whatsoever, please do not hesitate to reach me by e-mail or call me directly at 201-797-8988.


Celita Schutz


Celita Schutz
3X US Judo Olympian
Kokushikai Judo Academy
24-28 Fair Lawn Ave.
Fair Lawn, NJ  07410





This page was created by Celita Schutz on 12/02/2022