Dashboard Views
The dashboard views provide a quick view of classes, attendance, tournaments, awards, and notifications. The detail for the items are viewable by clicking on the items.
Support Tickets - If a student has opened a support ticket, it will appear here.
Messages/Notifications (Dojo Messages) - Notifications for group and individual messages.
Promotions - History of all approved promotions for the student.
Feedback - If the Sensei or an instructor provides feedback, it will appear here.
Judo Camp - This is a listing of current or previous Judo Camp Classes.
Shiai Tournaments - This is a listing of current or previous Shiai particiation.
Shiai Awards - This is a listing of current or previous Shiai awards from tournaments.
Scheduled Classes - This is a listing of the student's enrolled classes.
Attendance - This is a history listing of class attendances.
Wait List Classes - This is a listing of wait list classes student has requested.
The Student Profile
The student profile provides general access for profile functions.
Account Maintenance Functions
Edit Profile - Edit function for the profile.
Change Password - Function to change or reset your login password.
Edit User Profile - Edit function for the user login profile.
Message to Sensei - Convienent messaging function to sending expirable not the Snesei.
Message History - Past or expired messages.
Dashboard Help - Help documentation for this dashboard profile.