Hello ,
Thank-you for all your interest in Tiny Tiger Judo at Kokushikai Judo Academy!
This is a special program designed specifically for 4-5 year old boys and girls. It is an 18 class semester (40 minute classes) with a maximum capacity of six children enrolled per class. Classes meet twice a week for approximately three months according to the selected class schedule at the end of this e-mail. All classes are taught by Celita Schutz, 3x USA Judo Olympian and Head Instructor of Kokushikai Judo Academy located in Fair Lawn, NJ.
KJA Tiny Tiger Judo Program Summary:We recognize that children in the age range of 4-5 years old sometimes have difficulty integrating into our regular ongoing judo classes because of the rolling admission and the progress the number of students on the mat have already made. As an alternative, we developed the Tiny Tiger judo program to provide a smaller setting with limited enrollment for this special age group. These classes offer the ideal environment for children to learn strong judo fundamentals, build confidence and progress together before moving up to the next level.
To keep distractions to a minimum, new students may not enter Tiny Tigers in the middle of a semester and are asked to join the wait list for the next semester to begin. This small, controlled setting allows for the special attention and one-on-one teaching that this age group requires. Since all students begin the program at the same time, an appropriate building block curriculum for this age group can be applied.
Commonly Asked Q&A's about KJA's Tiny Tiger Judo Program:
WHAT IS THE RIGHT AGE FOR MY CHILD TO START JUDO?In general, we find that 4-5 year olds are capable of absorbing key fundamentals in judo while enjoying the experience of learning in a small group setting. Of course there are always exceptions. Sometime a 3 1/2 year old with a good attention span is permitted to enroll and sometimes a 6 year old does better in a small group with more individualized attention.
HOW DO I KNOW JUDO IS RIGHT FOR MY CHILD?At the beginning of each semester one or two free Orientation classes are offered for children to participate on the mat in an introductory class. You and the instructor will have the chance to see if judo is right for your child and your child is ready to begin. The Orientation classes cover greeting with the instructor, basic class structure, new words used in judo class, warm-up exercises, seeing judo demonstrated and trying judo for the first time!
WHAT DOES MY CHILD WEAR FOR AN ORIENTATION CLASS?Children do not need a uniform for the Orientation classes. Comfortable pants and t-shirt are fine. If you know you definitely wants to enroll your child, you may go ahead and complete the registration and purchase a uniform ($35) in the dojo. (Uniforms come with embroidered "Kokushikai" name already on them.) Sample jacket and belts may be available for the the Orientation class as well.
WHO TEACHES THE TINY TIGER CLASSES?Celita Schutz, 3x USA Judo Olympian and Head Instructor of Kokushikai Judo Academy. Celita conducts every Tiny Tiger class with select assistants. There are no substitutions ever! Celita excelled in many sports throughout her athletic career and even played Division 1 basketball and soccer at Yale. But ultimately she chose judo to compete internationally as an elite athlete in multiple World Championships and three Olympics. Celita was blessed with great parents and great coaches. This is why she takes special care for students of the Tiny Tiger program because she knows how important a positive first experience of judo will be for each student's future in judo and in life!
WHAT IS THE TUITION FEE FOR THE SEMESTER?Tuition for Tiny Tiger program is $480 for a total of eighteen, 40 minute classes, payable on or before the first class. Final decision before committing to a semester can be made after the Orientation class and before the first official classes begin. Registration for the Kokushikai Tiny Tiger Judo Program is easy through the Kokushikai Judo Academy phone App. downloaded from the iStore or GooglePlay.
WHAT IS KJA'S REFUND POLICY FOR TINY TIGERS?We do understand that this age group can react unpredictably and we do want all children to enjoy their first judo experience. This is why the Orientation classes are very useful to determine a child's readiness. A child should be enthusiastic to participate, able to listen and perform simple instructions, and is not disruptive to others in class. But, unfortunately once the spot is taken and the semester has begun, refunds are not available since we are unable to add another student mid-semester. In our experience, it is very rare that once admitted, a child is unable to complete the eighteen class semester.
ARE THERE MAKE-UP CLASSES?Since this program is a restricted registration class with 18 total classes, there are no make-up classes for students who are absent once the class has already taken place. The 18 class total count continues. If for some reason a class is not held due to weather, holiday etc. then it does not count toward the 18 class total. "Switching" to the other Tiny Tiger class mid-semester is also not permitted (the same as we do not add new students mid-semester to preserve class consistency for this age group).
WILL MY CHILD GET RECOGNITION FOR THEIR EFFORT?Yes! The last class of the semester is a "Graduation" day class. The children will be prepared for a small performance based exam that tests their knowledge and ability learned during the semester. Students will evaluated and then presented with an individualized diploma certificate. Lots of smiles and photos! (Videos are also allowed on Graduation Day.)
WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THE SEMESTER IS OVER?Celita and parents can mutually decide if the student would benefit from another small setting Tiny Tiger semester or if the child is ready to advance to larger, faster pace classes at Kokushikai. Parents who are currently enrolled in the KJA Tiny Tiger Program have priority to re-enroll there children first before spaces are opened up for new students to join.
WHEN DOES REGISTRATION OPEN?Registration for the Tiny Tiger Program will open approximately 2-3 weeks before the start of a new semester. Typically there are four semesters in a year: (Jan-March), (March-May), (May-July), (Sept-Dec). Each semester runs for just under three months depending on the holidays in that semester. Typically there is a small break for Tiny Tigers in August and over the New Year holiday.
HOW DO I REGISTER MY CHILD?Registration for the Kokushikai Tiny Tiger Judo Program is easy through the Kokushikai Judo Academy phone App. There is a "Tiny Tiger Registration" button right on the Home page. If the class is full, the App will prompt you to enter your information to get on the wait list. You will be contacted as soon as the new semester Registration opens! Registration can also be completed in person or over the phone. 201-797-8988.
You can find our App on iStore or GooglePlay to download now!
WHAT HAPPENS IF CLASSES ARE ALREADY FULL?Occasionally more students apply than there are spots available. In this case, a wait list is formed for the next semester. Parents may register for the wait list through the phone App as well. (There is no charge to get on the wait list but you can make a $50 deposit to secure a spot in the next semester. Please call Celita directly if you would like to make a deposit.) A third Tiny Tiger class can be formed to accommodate parents/children who are ready to begin.
ARE SPECTATORS ALLOWED IN THE TINY TIGER CLASSES?Yes! Since the Tiny Tigers class is small and the students are very young, we are happy to accommodate two spectators per student. We only ask that spectators abide by our dojo etiquette rules of no talking on cell phones, taking photos or videos, eating/drinking, or engaging/talking to students during class.
WHAT COVID SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ARE TAKEN AT KOKUSHIKAI?In addition to our regularly scheduled sanitation of mats, floors and surfaces, we installed an air purification system in our overhead ventilation system in 2020! Students/parents answer screening questions on the morning of classes via email. Temperatures are taken upon entrance to our facility. All students and instructors must wash hands before entering the mat area. Students enter on one side of our building and exit on the other side to reduce cross traffic of classes.
Current Schedule of Tiny Tiger Classes at Kokushikai:
Tiny Tigers Jan-March 2021 (Tues/Fri)6 Student Max/ 18 classes per semester Ages 4-5 yearsTuesdays 4:15pm - 4:55pmFridays 5:30pm - 6:10pmTuition: $480ORIENTATION CLASS: Tuesday, Jan. 12 and Friday, Jan. 15First Official Class: Tuesday, January 19
Tiny Tigers Jan-March 2021 (Fri/Sun)6 Student Max/ 18 classes per semesterAges 4-5 yearsFridays 6:30pm - 7:10pmSundays 10:30am - 11:10amTuition: $480ORIENTATION CLASS: Friday, Jan.15 and Sunday, Jan. 17First Official Class: Friday, January 22
Please confirm/reserve your child's spot in the Kokushikai Tiny Tiger Judo program by responding to this e-mail or by bringing your child to the Orientation class for the class you wish to enroll. If Orientation classes have already passed, you can get on the wait list for the next semester through the Kokushikai Judo Academy App.
Don't forget, is fun to try judo with a friend!! Feel free to forward this email to anyone you think might like to try judo with you child for the first time.
As always, if you have any additional questions whatsoever, feel free to reach me by e-mail or call me directly at 201-797-8988.
Use this link to download the Kokushikai Judo Academy App to your phone now!https://kokushikai.app.link/mEd9YyGTO8
Celita Schutz3X US Judo OlympianKokushikai Judo Academy24-28 Fair Lawn Ave.Fair Lawn, NJ 07410201-797-8988www.kokushikai.com