Layout Options

  • Fixed Header
    Makes the header top fixed, always visible!
  • Fixed Sidebar
    Makes the sidebar left fixed, always visible!
  • Fixed Footer
    Makes the app footer bottom fixed, always visible!

Header Options

  • Choose Color Scheme

Sidebar Options

  • Choose Color Scheme

Main Content Options

  • Page Section Tabs
  • Light Color Schemes
Forms Wizard
Easily create beautiful form multi step wizards!
You arrived at the last form wizard step!
ToDo List
  • Wash the car
    Written by Bob
  • Task with hover dropdown menu
    By Johnny
  • Badge on the right task
    This task has show on hover actions!
    Latest Task
  • Go grocery shopping
    A short description for this todo item
  • Development Task
    Finish React ToDo List App
Chat Box
But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system.
11:01 AM | Yesterday
Expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness.
11:01 AM | Yesterday
But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system.
11:01 AM | Yesterday
Denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account.
11:01 AM | Yesterday
The master-builder of human happiness.
11:01 AM | Yesterday
  • March Totals
    12 new leads,$56.24 in sales

Some plain text/ static value

You arrived at the last form wizard step!
You will not be able to see this
Example help text that remains unchanged.
Sweet! that name is available
Example help text that remains unchanged.
Oh noes! that name is already taken
Example help text that remains unchanged.
You will not be able to see this
Example help text that remains unchanged.
Sweet! that name is available
Example help text that remains unchanged.
Oh noes! that name is already taken
Example help text that remains unchanged.

Some plain text/ static value

You arrived at the last form wizard step!

Servers Status

Server Load 1

Server Load 2

Server Load 3

Live Statistics

File Transfers

  • TPSReport.docx
  • Annual Revenue.pdf
  • Analytics_GrowthReport.xls

Tasks in Progress

  • Wash the car
    Written by Bob
  • Task with hover dropdown menu
    By Johnny
  • Badge on the right task
    This task has show on hover actions!
    Latest Task
  • Go grocery shopping
    A short description ...
  • Development Task
    Finish React ToDo List App

Urgent Notifications

All Hands Meeting

Yet another one, at 15:00 PM

Build the production release

Something not important

This dot has an info state