KJA Tournament Opportunities

Both students and parents of children should know that there is NO PRESSURE to compete. Competition can be a positive, learning experience for students to challenge themselves and enhance participation in judo.

But for others, the enjoyment of learning and training in class is sufficient. We embrace ALL of our students, both competitors and non-competitors at Kokushikai Judo Academy.

White, Yellow, Orange, Green Belts:

Instructor approval is required before entering an outside tournament. To make sure that students are prepared and understand the rules of competition, it is recommended that students compete in a Kokushikai Shiai event before receiving instructor approval to compete elsewhere.

Blue, Purple, Brown and Black Belts:

Students with more advanced ranks may compete at their own discretion, but are asked to notify instructors of the events ahead of time so that training can be adjusted well in advance.

Below are local, regional and national tournaments compiled and reccomended by Kokushikai. Many offer competition opportunities for juniors, seniors, masters for both novice and advanced. Other tournaments do exist. Please speak with Celita to be sure a particular tournament is right for you or your child.

Additonal information will be added as it becomes available.

Other tournament Opportunities are being posted ASAP

Useful Japanese Terms in Judo

Count to 10: INCHI (1), NI (2), SAN (3), SHI (4), GO (5), ROKU (6), SHICHI (7), HACHI (8), KU (9), JU (10)
Practice Hall: DOJO
Teacher/Instructor: SENSEI
Good-bye: SAYONARA
Formal Kneeling Position: SEIZA
Close Eyes (Meditation Position): MEISO
Face toward Dr. Kano: SHOMEN NI
Face toward the Instructor: SENSEI NI
Face toward each Other: OTAGAI NI
Stand at Atttention: KYOTSUKE
Bow: REI
Please (show me/teach me/challenge me): ONEGAI SHIMASU
Thank-you very much: ARIGATO GOZAI MASHI TA
Break fall: UKEMI
Forward Roll: ZENPO KAITAN
Stop: MATE
Technique form practice in class: UCHIKOMI
Sparring in class: RONDORI
Competition/Tournament: SHIAI
Standing techniques: TACHI WAZA
Ground techniques: NE WAZA
Person attacking: TORI
Person receiving attack: UKE
Breaking Balance: KUZUSHI
Pinning on ground: OSAE KOMI
Hold has been broken: TOKETA
Do not move/feeze: SONO MAMA
Win by superior play: YUSEI GACHI
That is all (end of match): SORE MADE
Full Point: IPPON
Half Point: WAZARI
Point (almost wazari): YUKO (point no longer used in judo)
Point (almost yuko): KOKA (point no longer used in judo)
Pulling Hand: TSURITE
Lifting Hand: HIKITE
Maximum efficiency: SEIRYOKU ZENYO
Mutual benefit and welfare: JITA KYOEI

Academy Principles

School Oath: DOJO KUN

Sincerity/Faith/Honesty: SEI I

It is important to be able to place one's trust in another person thereby fostering honesty, hope, and love.

Labor/Exertion/Diligence: KIN RO

It is important to practice with exertion using the full extent of one's physical and mental capabilities

Knowledge/Information/Farsightedness: KEN SHIKI

It is important to pursue knowledge to increase understanding of oneself and one's partners in order to allow future victories

Spirit/Vigor/Will Power: KI HAKU

It is important to maintain a strong spirit in order to renew vigor. A strong spirit loves fair play, loyalty, courage and peace.