USJA | Donation Page


Donate to the KJC "Jeff Wolfe" Youth Scholarship Fund

Please consider making a donation here to the KJC "Jeff Wolfe" Youth Scholarship Fund. Every year the Fund tries to help up to 10 campers with either full or partial scholarships to attend Kokushikai Judo Camp.

We rely on your generous contributions to support programs for our diverse membership, and to assist in raising funds to help USJA members achieve their dreams. Every dollar is important to us; all contributions bring value regardless of the size.

Please donate what you can.

Jeff Wolfe, for whom the Fund is named after, was a firm believer in the positive benefits of judo in young people's lives and the role judo has in developing confidence, character and the motivation to succeed. Jeff sponsored many young athletes over the years and the goal of the KJC "Jeff Wolfe" Youth Scholarship Fund is to continue his generosity and support of young judo players attend Kokushikai Judo Camp.

The number of campers and the amount of money that can distributed depends solely on the amount of funds raised in the current year of Camp for this cause. Please help a young judo player make a donation today. Donations of any amount are greatly apprecated! Application for scholarship can be downloaded HERE.