BUILDING JUDO IN AMERICA | E-commerce template by CodyHouse

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Kokushikai Judo Camp

Unfortunately, 2021 Kokushikai Judo Camp unfortunately has been cancelled. Pandemic permitting, we hope to be back next year in 2022!!

Kokushikai Judo Camp Mission:

To create an environment for learning judo in a beautiful setting with a friendly atmosphere, the comfort of good food, a clean facility, and taught by renowned instructors who have dedicated their lives to the education and development of the mind, body and spirit. We welcome all ages and levels to challenge themselves in the pursuit of excellence year after year.


Kokushikai Judo Camp had our 10 Year Anniversary!
Please join us next year !

Questions or Need Assistance with Registration?
Contact Us:

Kokushikai Judo Camp
Celita Schutz, Camp Director