Kokushikai Judo Academy Documentation

Sunday, March 09, 2025

The Executive Dashboard

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Dashboard Buttons

Check-In - This is the public facing check-in interface.
Check-In Banner - This function is for setting a banner for a given priod of time on the check-in screen.
Check-In Images - This function is the image upload for students and parents.
Private Lessons - This is the private lessons for enrolled STUDENTS function.
Class Calendar - This is a calendar view of all classes with drill downs for each class.
Dojo Message Center - This is the integrated messaging function.
Update Promotion Belts This is the sync process for ensuring all belt data has been updated.

Back-office Administration

The executive dashboard is the central hub for all back-office functions. It provides a snapshot of financial and growth statistics as well as alerts for activities requiring prompt attention.

Summary Blocks

Tuition Revenue - Tuition revenue booked as of period monthly close .
Events, Merchandise, Other Fees Revenue - Consolidated Events, Merchandise, Camp, Shiais revenue YTD.
Revenue YTD - All combined revenue YTD


Open Trial Class Requests - Requests for trial classes submitted from check-in or website and not processed.
Birthday (Active) next 30 days - Students with birthdays in this time period.
Tiny Tiger Leads - Tiny tiger lead count and link to dashboard.
Freeze Accounts Expiring this month - Family account ending freeze accounts status.
On Wait List - requests for spots in classes booked to capacity.
Enrollment Requests - Web based family enrollment requests.
Checked In today - Students checked in through Check-In function.
Not Checked In Today - Students expected in classes but not checked in.
2-3 Absences last 14 days - Students absent 2 to 3 times over the last 14 days.
Billed Accounts without Classes - Active student that have no class assigned as class one.
Credit Card Expirations next 60 Days - Families with expiring credit cards in the next 2 months.
Transfer Recommendations - Students projected to move up to next class.
Drop Recommendations - Students that are in-active that have not been active over 2 years.
Scheduled Trials - Trial Classes scheduled and not completed.
Student Check-ins Not Enrolled-Class - Students that have checked into a class and have not been enrolled.



This page was created by Michael J Hemingway on 09/26/2023